The Adult Reference Library is open to all persons. Anyone wishing to access the material that it contains or just looking for a quiet place to study may use the area.
Users include:
- Registered users – (Adult or Child)
- Non-registered users – (Adult or Child)
Requirements for use:
- Membership is not a requirement to use the material in the Reference library.
- Persons desirous of using the collection will be required to provide minimal personal information (name, address, telephone number) in order to create a temporary profile.
Persons will be allowed to borrow two (2) items, for use within the Reference area, at any one time.
Reference material:
This is all material that is found in this area. The material in this area is not to be taken away. Patrons are allowed to use the material for the duration of the day but must return it before they leave.
Materials that can be found in the Reference are:
- Encyclopedias (Subject and General)
- Dictionaries(Subject and General)
- Atlases (Geographic and other subject areas
- Journals
- Textbooks
- Syllabus
- Past papers - CSEC and CAPE
Sections of the Reference Library
- Open Reference – This contains encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases and journals
- Restricted Stock – In this section there is a General collection, West Indian collection and a Vincentian collection
Borrowing material
- Patrons can use the materials in the Open Reference without consulting the Library Assistant.
- Material in the Restricted Stock must be requested from the Library Assistant.
Reference services:
- Bibliographic assistance – Helping the patron to record the correct bibliographic information, from the sources used, in the desired format
- Research assistance – Providing assistance in locating information in the library, online or some other external source
Two-day loan