The EPMU is responsible for the overall management and administration of the proposed education project, including its overall coordination and implementation, coordination of the contributions of participating entities, and communication with the World Bank and the Department for International Development (DFID). The PMU is responsible for the procurement of all civil works, goods and services under the project, the preparation of progress reports, maintenance of all project financial accounts and preparation and processing of applications for withdrawals of proceeds from the Loan and Credit.
Implementation of project components. Project components are executed at the local level by the respective ME units, with oversight by the EPMU and ultimately by the Project Steering Committee. The DFID-supported components are executed in collaboration with a DFID-appointed Service Provider responsible for identifying and hiring the required consultants. Overall project implementation will be guided by the Project Operational Manual (POM) which includes an Implementation Plan, a Financial Management Manual and a detailed Procurement Plan.
The EPMU (Technical Unit) is responsible for the administration and implementation of all externally financed education sector projects for the Ministry of Education and comprise the following personnel:
Project Coordinator
Administrative Assistant
Project Officer – Civil Works
Consultant – Civil Works (on an as-needed basis)
Project Managers responsible for implementation of each international donor-funded project in the education sector (WB/DFID-funded OECS Education Development Project (OEDP) and projects financed by the European Union, the Caribbean Development Bank and the Republic of China, among others).
The PMU (Fiduciary Unit) is in charge of all fiduciary aspects of the World Bank project and will comprise the following personnel:
PMU Coordinator-Emergency Recovery Disaster Management Project (ERDMP)
Financial Management Specialist and Assistant
Procurement/ Contract Management Specialist and Assistant
Administrative Assistant – ERDMP
Administrative Assistant - Education project
Administrative Assistant - HIV/AIDS project
Consultant – Financial Management /Procurement (on an as-needed basis)