The concept of Adult & Continuing Education (AE) includes all initiatives geared towards the non-formal and continuing education of adults. It encompasses a wider range of activities than just training people to read, write and count. It includes initiatives to equip adults with income generating and life skills through the Learning Resource Centres (LRCs), Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Initiatives, and National Informatics & Computer Training (ICT) programmes;with the aim of applying these skills to the needs of agriculture, the emerging ICT industries and commerce, as well as for personal development, self-employment and general entrepreneurship.
Access and Equity
The Adult and Continuing Education Division (ACE) in the Ministry of Education (MOE) is the lead agency in matters relating to Adult Education. The ACE is the agency that provides support to the various national organisations and departments that provide Adult Education.
The policy of Adult and Continuing Education is based on principles of equal access for all people to both formal and non-formal education of comparable quality.
Continued support will be given to the ACE and other Non Governmental and Community Based Organisations (NGOs),(CBOs) for non-formal education. The Government of St. Vincent & the Grenadines (GOSVG) will also support the activities of community-based groups (CBOs) and other civil society organisations. Closer links will be forged and maintained with those ministries and all NGOs that are involved in non-formal education and poverty alleviation programmes such as:
Ministry of Social Development (MSD)
Ministry of Health and the Environment (MHE)
SVG Consumer’s Association